Hello, my name is Samantha Edmond and I am passionate about helping others become happy, de-stressed, relaxed and in control of their lives, help them to find inner peace and balance.
I live in Aberdeenshire, with my Husband and son, who both bring joy and laughter to our home and into my life.
I originally many moons ago wanted to train as a teacher, but life and circumstance did not lead me down that path. During my 20's and 30's, with the pressures of being a new wife, a hectic working career and then a new mum in full time work. Trying to be everything to everyone at the same time, took its toll, I began to suffer from anxiety attacks, my health deteriorated, I would blow the slightest thing out of proportion, I truly felt that I was cracking up, I couldn’t be everything to everyone any longer, I felt stuck and out of control of my life and lost.
It was not until I was in my late 30's, early 40's that I felt a strong pull towards the more natural approach and sat down and said to myself, who am I? what do I need? Not what anyone else wants me to be or needs from me! From there I found Reiki (or perhaps Reiki found me). Reiki felt natural, and where I finally belonged. I became more accepting, less stressed, calmer and more important happier. From here it was almost a natural development, I felt I was needed to share my experience and help others find that inner, stressless peace, so many of us now crave, in a more natural self-empowering way.
I completed my Reiki I in May 2017, Reiki II in January 2018 and my Master/Teacher Training In January 2019 with the help and guidance of my Reiki Master Katrina Clark.
After completing my Reiki I training, I began treating family and friends with Usui Reiki from May 2017. It was through these treatments, I received invaluable feedback, and a wonderful sense of fulfilment and achievement helping others. It was from this feedback and the burning passion to help people which led me to the decision to start practising Reiki as a profession and, so it was with anticipation, excitement and with the invaluable support from my family and friends that I began this next chapter of my life.
There are no magical cures for mental health illnesses, or diseases, nor is there complete freedom from life’s ties and responsibilities, but through a Holistic, natural approach there are many, many ways to remarkably reduce the effects it can have on your life. Usui Reiki is one of those ways which can help.
The Reiki Association
The Beauty Guild
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